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Marcus explain his life before MPT and NOW...


"Life before losing weight had its upsides (cake) and its downsides (losing your breath after one flight of stairs).
I didn't really want to join MPT; it was more something to do with friends who wanted the best for me... and once there was a prize on the line for 28 day challenge I wanted to win".


And win he did... 9.7kg's down in 28 days! An incredible effort.

"Have a training partner would be my main piece of advice for a new starter, it makes life so much easier to stay focused and accountable"

"The members page and small group sizes are great. It also really is a case of you get out what you put in. Ask the questions and you will learn more etc".

So what are the results thus far? "I have lost 25kg; but more so than that i have been able to hike further and snowboard harder. Without pulling up really sore the following day."
"Weightloss starts in the kitchen... cake should probably be a sometimes food"

"Unexpected benefits of losing weight i think has been finding out that only one of my chins is real"

Why do i love MPT? "I like the people at MPT; you can just ask stupid questions and know one cares. I also really appreciate the time that Luke and Samantha have spent with me too during my time at MPT"