Child Friendly Classes (Mums + Bubs)
One of the most important things a mother can do is take care of her own health and wellbeing. Unfortunately for most of us when our child comes along, we are so caught up in caring for our family and running our lives around the sleep and feeding patterns of our children that we fail to put our own health first or at least on par. It is so easy to put our own needs and welfare aside for that of our family and the biggest excuse of all is that we just can’t seem to find enough sleep, let alone enough time to go and work out.
However, the benefits for both mother and child are worth finding the time to build up a sweat.
Here are our top 6 tips for exercising more as a mother: - Exercise helps you to de-stress.
- Exercise will assist in weight loss and returning to pre baby body.
- It will help raise your energy levels, lift your mood and lower the chances of post natal depression
- Exercise will restore muscle strength and improve cardiovascular fitness
- By being active you will be a positive role model for your children. A recent study at the Centre for Diet and Activity Research , University of Cambridge U.K has found that the more active a mother is, the more active a child is long term. This in the long run means healthier children, with less risk of disease.
- Exercise will help you sleep better at night.
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The most important advice we can give to any mother, is to take care of you, find the time to exercise, get a support network to help, and incorporate your children in the exercise time.
MPT Transformations offer child friendly classes mid morning at Croydon and Rowville on Monday, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please check our timetable for specific class times.
We have newborns through to 5 year olds, but really, all kids can come.