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I wanted to give a quick run down on MENOPAUSE. We train a lot of females, and every single one of them will go through menopause at some stage in their life.
There are a lot of variants as to when that will be, but generally after they reach 40, or in to their 50’s.
What is it?
When a women stops ovulating and her monthly period stops.
Reproductive hormones and progesterone plummet and the body becomes more oestrogen dominance. No longer regulated as they normally would.
What are some symptoms?
  • Increase of fat gain, especially around the mid section (hips, thighs and tummy)
  • Decrease in muscle mass
  • Skin dryness and loss of elasticity
  • Hair growth or hair loss
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Increased risk of depression or anxiety
Other conditions associated with menopause?
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease (especially due to the higher fat around mid section). Prior to this, in comparison to males, females have much lower risk of CVD.
  • Obesity is usually a pre-existing condition for women in menopause who experience high oestrogen levels.
  • Overweight women going through menopause are at a greater risk of getting cancer, and reducing unwanted weight will lower that risk.
But did you know?
  • Whilst females tend to increase body fat in the mid section whilst going through menopause, there is NO clinical evidence to suggest that excess oestrogen and weight gain is associated.
  • It is not the hormone changes, but rather, the food we put in our mouth and the environment we place ourselves in (eg. reduced exercise, more sedentary lifestyle) that sees the increase of body fat.
How to manage it?
  • Increased risk of muscle loss - weight training MUST be a priority to maintain muscle mass.
  • Consistency of training is crucial. Your body may have joint paint and aches, but finding enjoyment in your workouts and make sure you keep your body moving is imperative.
  • Prioritise your health.
  • Continue with aerobic and cardiovascular training, but it should be an add on to weight training.
Dietary management
  • Slightly higher intake of protein will be beneficial. Lean meats and to also supplement with a protein powder.
  • Increase dairy to help decrease the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
  • Increase veggies and fruit intake (in particular, cruciferous veggies). Think broccoli, cauli, cabbage and brussel sprouts.
  • Increase water - helps reduce bloating and improve digestion, plus also improve skin and vaginal dryness.
Hope that helps, and as always, any questions just let me know ❤